INSTR works similar to FIND function in Excel. INSTR search for specific text in a given text and returns the position number of what you are searching for.
Syntax: InStr( [start_num], string, searchingfor, [compare] )
Sub INSTR_1()
MsgBox InStr(1, "Narendra Modi", " ")
'Output: 9
MsgBox InStr(1, "Narendra Modi", "Modi")
'Output: 10
MsgBox InStr(1, "Narendra Modi", "MODI")
'Output: 0
'To find the 2nd "e" postion number in "excel is awesome"
MsgBox InStr(InStr(1, "excel is awesome", "e") + 1, "excel is awesome", "e")
'Note: INSTR function is a case-sensitive and if it's not found the value then output will be 0
End Sub