The 4 P`s of marketing should be mug up and you can answer almost any question on marketing.
The four P`s are
1.Product-First thing First. Know the product you are marketing for be it a service offered or a tangible goods. You must have all information regarding your product at your fingeretips.
2.Price-There must be a competitive pricing strategy of the products to keep it in competion. Every product has its competetor and marketing team must figure out the appropriate price in order to gain market share
3.Promotion-The product must be promoted via various channel like advertisement, campaing so that people know that such a product of a brant exists. So in one word good promotion better customer share.
4.Place-According to the product offered you must have a clear cut audience of the product. The marketere must know the target audience of the product and pich the product to the target audience only to gain market share. The place or target audience may be geographically seperated or financially seperated. For ex a woollen cloth have more market in cold countries and a luxury car showroom have more customer in an affluent neighbourhood.