Critical thinking is the need of the hour. Be it Economics, Business, Commerce, distribution, as well as in marketing & in showcasing your " stuff", be it whatever discipline, more so in humanistic pursuits like Economics, theory as well applied, Banking, Monetary and even in Intenational Monetary aspects like IMF, World bank, Nafta, Safta and Comecon trade groups. Rivalaries, Globalisation paradigms, shift to insular, unipolar global outr each like today Trump's US economy, as well in application sciences like pure Mathematics, Mathematical reasoning, applied statistical tools of analyses from simple multiple or multivariate regression tecniques to anovaand to manova techniques to simulation to synegies, symbiotic relationships, and modern mulivariables, multi layer analyses like spectral analyses etc. All argument considerable expertise beyond the "books" and model specific ones to new hybrid cloned systems.
There may be different ways for students to equip themselves:
1) Strong theoretical, empirirical as well field tested diagnoses. Whatever be your field or study. If you really want to excell in it.
2) Willing to try new risky ideas & premises which may form or reintepret the established theories or doctrines or dogmas.
3) Willing to deep study on it professionally like Ph.D, post doctoral research or do a D.Sc etc.
4) Wholehearted committment and may need good financial support from other members of the family.
5 ) Must get fellowships or assistanceships. Available in foreign universites? Autonomous institutes & in India to
To be continued..