C Programming is the base of all programming languages we learn.
This Page will help you to understand all difficulties you may face in writing a simple program.
What to remember while writing every C Program?
C is a structural programming language. It has it's own syntax to write every single statement. Few things we must keep it in our mind:
- It's a case sensitive language, so write every statement in small letters.
- Use exact same syntax as defined, do not modify it.
- Understand the meaning of every special symbol character in C. If you don't it may change the behavior of your Program.
What is fixed in every C Program?
- #include< library name / file name with .h extension>
- common names: stdio.h, conio.h, stdlib.h
- main () function
- { opening curly bracket after main()
- programming code (every statement must be closed by ; )
- } closing curly bracket after return 0
# include main() { code . . return 0; }
What is difficult for every Beginners?
- Remembering syntax.
- Understanding the programming logic.
- Writing the correct error free program.
- Identifying the errors and making wrong statement correct.
How to overcome the difficulties?
- Solve maximum examples or write many programs until you feel comfortable with coding.
- Remember all standard syntax.
- Run every program in it's environment and try to fix every error.