How a man can use the brain efficiency for the meditation as meditation is a process of human mind.
A human mind can thought about the meditation which is not possible without a mind activity and physical process so meditation is a part of brain and its process which depends on the imagination of the activity.
In a human process about 1,000 billion neurons are present from which only 15% percent neurons can be activated when ahuman can do the work or use its brain. The activity of a human depends on cell which is used for doing any work or understanding and learning.
A cell in a human mind is a donator or volunteer cell which can work as the main source. If a human think than a cell recieve it and pass on to the second cell continously and allowed to the brain to do the meditation.
For eg: - When a woman gives a birth to a child which is biological process but the child formation is the process of meditation and cell. As the pregnency is continous in sixth week. She is having a thought of a child how it will be, during that time the cell and neurons help in developing the child. The enviornment and surrounding of the women is also helpful in this process during this process only 10% of neurons are used accoeding to this process the life network is going on like a communication technology.
The meditation depends on beyond the world on immorality and reproduction, during the meditation the efficiency of the mind can be increased maximum.