- engineering mechanics-It is the basic subject of engineering also my favourite subject.I will try to teach you as my level best.I will complete the syllabus according to semester time and provide notes and take chapter wise test.
- Strength of materials-very important subject for 1st year students and most important for mechanical engineering civil engineering and automobile engineering students also.I will help you to gather knowledge and take rest after complete the chapter one by one.if you want to take tiutiot as realated subject I Will provide you.
Physics (all trades in diploma) I will complete this subject as the semester time period (5 months).it is not a easy subjrct.who are coming in diploma after complete 10 the class or arts stream for that it is very difficult for understand.I will clear all doubts.i will help to understand it.providing you notes.Question and answer I will dectet.it will be helpful you for get marks in semester.