We must know the basic reactions of various functional group. Keeping this in mind, a summery of important reactions of the alcohol functional group are summerised below .
- Evolve brisk effervesence of hydrogen with a small piece of freshly cut dry sodium
- Red colour with ceric ammonium nitrate
- Form esters with acids (eg: HCl) , acid chlorides (eg: HOCl) , and acid anhydrides ( eg: CH3COO-)
- Give alkyl halides with hydrogen halide (H-X eg : H-Br )
- Give alkyl halides along with hydrochloric acid gas and POCl3 with PCl5 or HCl and SO2
- On dehydration , give ethers and olefines ( alkenes)
Distinction between primary , secondary and tertiary alcohols
- Primary alcohol gives aldehydes and then acids having same number of carbon atoms
- Secondary alcohols give ketones having same number of carbon atoms and then acids having lesser number of carbon atoms
- Tertiary alcohols are oxidised under vigorous conditions to ketones and then acids having lesser number of carbon atoms
- LUCAS REAGENT ( A mixture of concentrated HCl and ZnCl2)
- Tertiary alcohols react immediately
- Secondary alcohols react within five minutes
- Primary alcohol do not react at room temperature