Instructions for writing the Assignment:
- It should contain minimum of 7 pages to maximum of 10 pages.
- Write all the topics with clear headings, sub headings and points with serial numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and so on. Write starting paragraph and conclusion paragraphs.
- All pages should be drawn with margins using pencil and draw figures, tables, graphs neatly with pencil/sketch pen if the topic consists of these items.
- The first page should consist of Name of the Student, Roll No., class, branch, section, Subject Name, Assignment No (I,II) Instructor Name and Topic name.
- Use pencil or sketches for drawing figures.
- Underline important points and keep the formulas in brackets and complete the whole pages without leaving blank.
- Refer only text books for all the topics and write with your own handwriting.
- Internet information is not accepted. If the topic is not available, one can refer Google Books.