A paragraph is given below from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options,
choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.
The recent decision of the government of India to impose a moratorium on the release of Bt-Brinjal
has been hailed by civil society and scientists alike as a victory for transparency and has demonstrated
that the government is responsive to societal demands. This decision is also important since it
could set a precedent within environmental regulation with reference to technologies with significant
environmental risks.
(a) This establishes a clear case for ensuring legal certainty in environmental regulations especially
in the case of technologies with significant risks attached to it.
(b) The process of arriving at this decision had also attracted a fair share of media attention, given
its ‘sensational’ nature.
(c) However, the decision also reflects a clear departure from procedure and its legal basis is
tenuous and therefore the risk of it being reversed remains.
(d) The world is waiting, with fingers crossed (or pointed?), as to what this decision would mean for
farmers across the world.