Conventional Sources of Energy:
- Fossil fuels: Most Common, Non-Renewable, Causes pollution.
- Thermal power plants: Fuel burnt-Heating water to steam-drive turbines-produce electricity.
- Hydro Power plants: Flowing water- passed through turbines- produce electricity.
Improvements in Technology in using Conventional energy sources seen in:
1.Bio mass energy: Slurry fed into Digester-Anaerobic decomposition- Bio gas produced used as fuel. ,
2.Wind energy: Kinetic energy used to drive turbines- Enviro-friendly
Alternative or Non conventional sources of Energy:
- Solar Energy : Solar cooker: Uses heat to cook food. Solar Cell: Converts Solar energy to Electrical energy which can be stored in batteries.
- Energy from the Sea: a)Tidal Energy: Tides made to flow through an opening of a Dam at sea into a turbine., b)Wave Energy: Similar to tidal energy. , c)Ocean Thermal energy: Tapping Heat energy from ocean currents set up due to temperature difference.
- Geothermal energy: Steam from underground sources drives turbines and produce electricity
- Nuclear energy: Energy from Nuclear Fission used to produce steam and further, electricity. Environmental contamination, Accidental risks, High plant installation costs are major concerns.