In basic Endgame, you can learn all the compulsory Endgames which often occur in tournaments.... like Queen vs 7th rank pawn, Lucina position, Philidor position, deflection, one diagonal principal and so on. I saw many good rated players suffering time problem in this simple wining endgames, and finally, they make a draw.
In Deep Endgame study you will practice all the Endgames which are given in any good Endgame books through modern ways... until you don't learn how to face all of them. I can teach from books or some best applications... So it depends on your interest how would you like to learn. I recommend for Endgame that if you learn an Endgame idea then set up the position in computer and play against it from both sides white and black. Endgames Should be learning slowly but know by heart because if you understand an Endgame well, you will never have to see again in the book.