Lesson: Hive Queries
This lesson will cover the following topics:
- Simple selects ? selecting columns
- Simple selects – selecting rows
- Creating new columns
- Hive Functions
In SQL, of which HQL is a dialect, querying data is performed by a SELECT statement. A select statement has 6 key component:
- SELECT colnames
- FROM tablename
- GROUP BY colnames
- WHERE conditions
- HAVING conditions
- ORDER by colnames
In practice, very few queries will have all of these clauses in them simplifying many queries. On the other hand, conditions in the WHERE clause can be very complex and if you need to JOIN two or more tables together then more clause (JOIN and ON) are needed.
All of the clause names above have been written in uppercase for clarity. HQL is not case sensitive. Neither do you need to write each clause on a new line, but it is often clearer to do so for all but the simplest of queries.
In this lesson we will start with the very simple and work our way up to the more complex.
Simple selects - selecting columns
[These examples are included in the ’01 – simple queries.sql’ file]
The simplest query is effectively one which returns the contents of the whole table:
FROM geog_all;
It is better practice and generally more efficient to explicitly list the column names that you want returned.
SELECT anonid, fueltypes, acorn_type
FROM geog_all;
Simple selects – selecting rows
In addition to limiting the columns returned by a query, you can also limit the rows returned. The simplest case is to say how many rows are wanted using the Limit clause.
SELECT anonid, fueltypes, acorn_type
FROM geog_all
This is useful if you just want to get a feel for what the data looks like.
Usually you will want to restrict the rows returned based on some criteria. i.e. certain values or ranges within one or more columns.
SELECT anonid, fueltypes, acorn_type
FROM geog_all
WHERE fueltypes = "ElecOnly";
The Expression in the where clause can be more complex and involve more than one column.
SELECT anonid, fueltypes, acorn_type
FROM geog_all
WHERE fueltypes = "ElecOnly" AND acorn_type > 42;
SELECT anonid, fueltypes, acorn_type
FROM geog_all
WHERE fueltypes = "ElecOnly" AND acorn_type > 42 AND nuts1 <> "--";
Notice that the columns used in the conditions of the Where clause don’t have to appear in the Select clause.
Other operators can also be used in the where clause. For complex expressions, brackets can be used to enforce precedence.
SELECT anonid,
FROM geog_all
WHERE fueltypes = "ElecOnly"
AND acorn_type BETWEEN 42 AND 47
AND (nuts1 NOT IN ("UKM", "UKI") OR ldz = "--");
Creating new columns
It is possible to create new columns in the output of the query. These columns can be from combinations from the other columns using operators and/or builtin Hive functions.
SELECT anonid,
(eprofileclass * acorn_type) AS multiply,
(eprofileclass + acorn_type) AS added
FROM edrp_geography_data b;
When you create a new column it is usual to provide an ‘alias’ for the column. This is essentially the name you wish to give to the new column. The alias is given immediately after the expression to which it refers. Optionally you can add the AS keyword for clarity.
If you do not provide an alias for your new columns, Hive will generate a name for you. Although the term alias may seem a bit odd for a new column which has no natural name, alias’ can also be used with any existing column to provide a more meaningful name in the output.
Tables can also be given an alias, this is particularly common in join queries involving multiple tables where there is a need to distinguish between columns with the same name in different tables.
In addition to using operators to create new columns there are also many Hive built?in functions that can be used.
Hive Functions:
[These examples are included in the ’02 ? functions.sql’ file]
Simple functions
Concat can be used to add strings together
SELECT anonid,
concat (acorn_category,
AS acorn_code
FROM geog_all;
substr can be used to extract a part of a string
SELECT anon_id,
substr (advancedatetime, 1, 2) AS day,
substr (advancedatetime, 3, 3) AS month,
substr (advancedatetime, 6, 2) AS year
FROM elec_c;
examples of length, instr and reverse
SELECT anonid,
length (acorn_code),
instr (acorn_code, ',') AS a_catpos,
instr (reverse (acorn_code), "," ) AS reverse_a_typepos
FROM geog_all;
Where needed functions can be nested within each other cast and type conversions
SELECT anonid,
substr (acorn_code, 7, 2) AS ac_type_string,
cast (substr (acorn_code, 7, 2) AS INT) AS ac_type_int,
substr (acorn_code, 7, 2) +1 AS ac_type_not_sure
FROM geog_all;
[These examples are included in the ’03 ? aggregations.sql’ file]
Aggregate functions are used perform some kind of mathematical or statistical calculation across a group of rows. The rows in each group are determined by the different values in a specified column or columns. A list of all of the available functions are available in the apache documentation.
SELECT anon_id,
count (eleckwh) AS total_row_count,
sum (eleckwh) AS total_period_usage,
min (eleckwh) AS min_period_usage,
avg (eleckwh) AS avg_period_usage,
max (eleckwh) AS max_period_usage
FROM elec_c
GROUP BY anon_id;
In the above example, thee aggregation were performed over the single column anon_id. It is possible to aggregate over multiple columns by specifying them in both the select and the group by clause. The grouping will take place based on the order of the columns listed in the group by clause.
What is not allowed is specifying a non?aggregated column in the select clause which is not mentioned in the group by clause.
SELECT anon_id,
substr (advancedatetime, 6, 2) AS reading_year,
count (eleckwh) AS total_row_count,
sum (eleckwh) AS total_period_usage,
min (eleckwh) AS min_period_usage,
avg (eleckwh) AS avg_period_usage,
max (eleckwh) AS max_period_usage
FROM elec_c
GROUP BY anon_id, substr (advancedatetime, 6, 2);
Unfortunately, the group by clause will not accept alias’.
SELECT anon_id,
substr (advancedatetime, 6, 2) AS reading_year,
count (eleckwh) AS total_row_count,
sum (eleckwh) AS total_period_usage,
min (eleckwh) AS min_period_usage,
avg (eleckwh) AS avg_period_usage,
max (eleckwh) AS max_period_usage
FROM elec_c
GROUP BY anon_id, substr (advancedatetime, 6, 2)
ORDER BY anon_id, reading_year;
But the Order by clause does.
The Distinct keyword provides a set of unique combination of column values within a table without any kind of aggregation.
SELECT DISTINCT eprofileclass, fueltypes
FROM geog_all;
date functions
[These examples are included in the ’04 ? date functions.sql’ file]
In the elec_c and gas_c tables, the advancedatetime column, although it contains a timestamp type information, it is defined as a string type. For much of the time this can be quite convenient, however there will be times when we really do need to be able to treat the column as a Timestamp.
Perhaps the most obvious example is when you need to sort rows based on the advancedatetime column.
Hive provides a variety of date related functions to allow you to convert strings into Timestamp and to additionally extract parts of the Timestamp.
unix_timestamp returns the current data and time – as an integer!
from_unixtime takes an integer and converts in into a recognisable Timestamp string
SELECT unix_timestamp () AS currenttime
FROM sample_07
SELECT from_unixtime (unix_timestamp ()) AS currenttime
FROM sample_07
There are various date part functions which will extract the relevant parts from a Timestamp string
SELECT anon_id,
from_unixtime (UNIX_TIMESTAMP (reading_date, 'ddMMMyy'))
AS proper_date,
year (from_unixtime (UNIX_TIMESTAMP (reading_date, 'ddMMMyy')))
AS full_year,
month (from_unixtime (UNIX_TIMESTAMP (reading_date, 'ddMMMyy')))
AS full_month,
day (from_unixtime (UNIX_TIMESTAMP (reading_date, 'ddMMMyy')))
AS full_day,
last_day (from_unixtime (UNIX_TIMESTAMP (reading_date, 'ddMMMyy')))
AS last_day_of_month,
date_add ( (from_unixtime (UNIX_TIMESTAMP (reading_date, 'ddMMMyy'))),
AS added_days
FROM elec_days_c
ORDER BY proper_date;
Hive Sample - Real Time Window: