The course will leverage technology to deliver GMAT training in a format akin to the actual GMAT exam. The 1-hr demo classes will cover the below concepts:
1.Importance of GMAT concepts in your MBA program (1 hr) : Should GMAT be treated as just another competitive exam? Or will the concepts learned during GMAT preparation be also useful during your MBA program?
2.Reading Comprehension Overview (1 hr) : What are the different genres of reading comprehension passages one can expect during the exam? How to improve your reading comprehension ability in a short span of time?
3.Sentence Correction Overview (1 hr) : What are the most common sentence correction errors that one might come across not just in an exam but also in our daily communication?
4.Critical Reasoning Overview (1 hr) : What really is the intention of the author when he drafted a passage? Can you a construct a unbiased understanding of the author's intentions?
5.Data Sufficiency Overview (1 hr) : What makes data sufficiency problems tricky compared to regular quant problems? Should a tester adopt a different plan while tackling Data Sufficiency problems?
6.Quant Overview (1 hr): What are all the quant concepts that are tested on the GMAT front? Should we focus on the breadth or the depth?