Word of the Day
निष्पक्ष, अनपेक्ष, अपक्षपाती, उदासीन, तटस्थ, निरपेक्ष, निरीह, निर्पेक्ष, निष्पक्ष, पक्षपातरहित
free from undue bias or preconceived opinions
Synonyms: impartial
"an unprejudiced appraisal of the pros and cons"
"the impartial eye of a scientist"
noun colocations:
unprejudiced observer निष्पक्ष पर्यवेक्षक
unprejudiced judgment निष्पक्ष न्याय
unprejudiced consideration निष्पक्ष विचार
unprejudiced examination निष्पक्ष जांच
unprejudiced opinion निष्पक्ष राय
unprejudiced study निष्पक्ष अध्ययन
unprejudiced witness निष्पक्ष साक्षी
unprejudiced jury निष्पक्ष जूरी
unprejudiced investigation निष्पक्ष जांच
unprejudiced critic निष्पक्ष आलोचक
`There must be a few honest and unprejudiced lawyers around.
And as I took courage, I made friends among the women students, finding many of them unprejudiced and companionable.