1. Fundamentals of PHP
Get basic knowledge of PHP, Software Engineering, SQL Queries, web designing, and programming.
2. Learn PHP Language
Learn PHP syntax, expressions, variables, operators, functions, arrays, loops, protocols, conditions, events, flows etc. to develop a PHP website independently.
3. DATABASE Connectivity
Acquire knowledge of Database terminology, MySQL Database and learn Database connectivity using DBMS & RDBMS, PHP & MySQL.
4. Learn HTML
Introduction to HTML and its elements, tags, hyper links, table, form, events, div and span etc.
5. Learn CSS
Learn how to apply CSS to a web page including backgrounds, classes, and ID, pseudo-classes, margins and padding etc.
6. Applicability to Industry Standards
Get knowledge about PHP with MVC architecture, Javascript, Ajax, XML, String Manipulation and Regular Expression, sessions and cookies etc.
7. Applicability to Industrial Projects
Learn how to integrate with web services, shopping cart, embedding PHP code into HTML pages, payment gateways and product catalog.