COURSE I: Basics of computer, Windows, MS Office, Communicating using Internet, Web Browser, Communication and Collaborations, Making small presentation.
COURSE I: Basics of computer, Windows, MS Office, Communicating using Internet, Web Browser, Communication and Collaborations, Making small presentation.
COURSE I: Basics of computer, Windows, MS Office, Communicating using Internet, Web Browser, Communication and Collaborations, Making small presentation.
COURSE I: Basics of computer, Windows, MS Office, Communicating using Internet, Web Browser, Communication and Collaborations, Making small presentation.
COURSE I: Basics of computer, Windows, MS Office, Communicating using Internet, Web Browser, Communication and Collaborations, Making small presentation.
COURSE I: Basics of computer, Windows, MS Office, Communicating using Internet, Web Browser, Communication and Collaborations, Making small presentation.
COURSE II: (HTML AND WEB) Introduction to Internet & Web, HTML,DHTML, JAVA Script, Flash PhotoShop, CSS Project on Website Development
COURSE III: (Basics adv) Basic of computer and I/O devices, Study of monitors, memory, Hard disk and motherboard I/O ports, Graphic card, Installation of printer, modem, OS & scanner, Networking fundamentals.
COURSE IV: ( C ) Introduction to C, Data Types & Operators, Looping, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Structure & Union, Header files, File handling.
COURSE V: (C++) OOPsIntroduction to OOPs, class & object, package & interface, exception handling, multithreading, Applets & AWT controls & Swing, SQL & JDBC, Java I/O.
COURSE VI: (Java and J2EE) Introduction to OOPs, class & object, Small Projects