About Tai Chi for Memory: This mind-body program is specially designed for Students who have major examinations coming up. Parents can also learn along with their ward to spend quality time together, which will be a calming and stress release exercise to prepare better for the upcoming examinations. This can also be enjoyed as private time for connecting oneâ??s own mind and
body for mental calmness and better health. Itâ??s an effective program to learn in quick time and gain benefits of exercise, while meditating. This short program can enhance memory and improve most aspects of health including balance, immunity and relaxation. This can be practiced and enjoyed by anyone, alone or in a group.
â??This is specially designed crash-course for those who find it difficult to commit for a weekly regular classes. This workshop will help them learn and take home something that they can practice for years to come and enjoy its benefits.â??
Context: In a randomized controlled trial conducted by Scientists collaborating from University of South Florida and Fudan University in China, results have shown that regular practice of Tai Chi increases brain volume and augments memory and thinking scores. Researchers have found that both Tai Chi and meditation have a powerful effect on the mind, cultivating a stillness that serves to increase focus, reduce stress, and boost cognitive skills.