1. Write the question number on left hand side of the answer booklet very clearly, generally a large one focused to the evaluater, from the question paper.You can start writing the answer for any of the questions which you know well or the one that you can answerable confidently.
2. Start writing the paragraph at first, then followed with points. If the answer has figures, tables,flow charts or any diagrams then draw them immediately. These willincrease the marks at 5 fold increase.
3. Then when you end the answer prefer to give a concludary paragraph. Underline important points and enbracket the formulas or equations if any in the answer.
4. Write neatly,clearly without mistakes and overwriting etc. Never strike off the wrong information irregularly but put a single cross diagonal on that wrong paragraph or content.
5. Figures, diagrams etc should be labelled and write the heading of the figure below it, mentioing its description.
6. Remember quality content is important rather than quantity or the number of pages of the answer.
7. Try to finish the answer at the end of the page so that you can start another question and answer in fresh page instead continuing in the same page.
8. Use a good blue or black ballpoint pen and draw figures with pencil or skectches/crayons if allowed in your exam.
9. If the answer booklet does not have margin lineon left hand side then draw with pencil and scale instead folding improperly.
10. Most imporatant in writing the exam is that, write serial numbers when you write the points like 1,2,3,4,5.....so on instead arrow marks, bullets etc. Prefer to write main headings and sub headings in the answer with serial number again in each sub headings.