I offer life/career counselling sessions coupled with Reiki Healing. This unique combination has come about as a result of my skills and experience.
At my place-of-work, many colleagues approach me for Reiki Healings on days they are not well/have headaches etc. Many of my younger colleagues also approach me for help on their college applications and resumes. On looking back, I realise that I am offering them more than editing/reviewing skills.
This realisation has lead to the creation of this unique package - life/career counselling sessions coupled with Reiki Healing.
Given current social distancing restrictions, I offer these sessions online too (coupled with distant Reiki Healing).
I am also an EFT and Magnified Healing practitioner. I also use Essential Oils for my own growth - and make blends for others, for their own healing, too.
Personally, I am a Reiki practitioner (since Aug 2014). I also practise Magnified Healing and EFT; and work with Essential Oils.