German A2 - German for advanced beginners
What you'll learn
- After completing this course you will have learned all A2 grammar of the German language. Please consider that you will mainly learn grammar in this course.
- Adjektivdeklination - adjective declination
- Akkusativ - accusative
- Dativ - dative
- Demonstrativpronomen - demonstrative pronouns
- Futur I - future I
- Genitiv - genitive
- indirekte Fragen - indirect quesitions
- Komparativ - comparative
- Konditionalsätze - conditional clauses
- Konjunktiv II - subjunctive
- das Verb "lassen" - the verb "lassen"
- Modalverben im Präteritum - modal verbs in the preterit
- n-Deklination - n-declination
- Possessivartikel - possessive articles
- Präpositionaladverbien - prepositional adverbs
- Präteritum - preterit
- Pronomen - pronouns
- reflexive Verben - reflexive verbs
- Relativpronomen - relative pronouns
- Satzstellung mit Akkusativ und Dativ - sentence structure with accusative and dative
- Subjunktionen - subjunctions
- Verben mit Präpositionalobjekt - verbs with prepositional objects
- Vorgangspassiv - process passive
- Wechselpräpositionen - two-way prepositions
- Wortbildung - word formation
- Zeitadverbien - temporal adverbs
- interesting facts about the German culture
- Preparation for the writing part of the A2 German language exam
- Preparation for the speaking part of the A2 German language