Azure Data Factory is an Microsoft Azure Cloud ETL Resource which can be used only through Microsoft Azure Cloud PlatForm.
To implement ETL activites in ADF we have to know how to Work with 5 Important Building Blocks as below, Once you are handy with below building blocks you can make easy of building ETL flows using Azure Data Factory in microsoft cloud.
1. Linked Service
2. DataSets
3. DataFlows
4. Pipelines
5. IR - Intigration RunTime.
Snowflake is the first cloud database in the market from snowflake organization, which can be configured on AnyCloud Paltform like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services & Google Cloud Platform. Snowflake is very flexible Licence that client can effort for the total usage of the business of any domain. PayasyouGo which will be charged or paid only for the usage.
Snowflake is used to manage the DWH Database which will be maintained used data. To get good perfomance clients recomend to use the same Database.