In the sessions, we will work on the fundamentals skills in multiple drills to improve the ball handling and control. We include the strength and power training along with balance and mobility excercises. Our main aim is to achieve the improvement day by day and set a level for ourself daily. Mastry in basic skills will take you to the implementation of skills in the next level or pro level. Training on daily basis will increase the chances of a player to perform at his utmost level. In the courses we will include the combination of skills practices like
1 . Ball handling+ strength training+ shooting
2. Layups + jump shots + shooting+ plyometrics
3. Speed +agility+ core + rebounding
4. Cardio+ endurance+ defence
5. Plyometrics+ zonal defence+ offensive drills
6. High endurance workout+ shooting
7. Plyometrics+ speed + ball controling drills
Above you can see the examples of various combinations of training which will help you to achieve more than two goals a day.