All the icse students, it's time to revise what's really important, what's really needed to learn and let's rock the boards!!
We will here focus on building concept, learn techniques and ways to score good and top the boards!!!
Hardwork with smartwork always wins the race!!
So let's go hand in hand and exceed the first milestone of career, and seriously it matters a lot, you're from non other than but icse!!
Believe in yourself you can still do it, if i can you can easily do it!!
Introducing about me, i am harshita rajput your teacher and guide to help you in the best way possible, i myself is an icse passout and hence can give you detailed info of the necessity of examination!!
With determination nothing is impossible!!
Just remember (for those who are not prepared)
Set time t=0
Whenever you start!!
All the best!!shine, rise and enjoy the process!!