This is a complete course on Core Java very much suitable for the beginners.
I will be covering the following topics.
1. Introduction to Java
2. JDK, JRE and JVM
3. Introduction to Eclipse
4. Variables, Datatypes and Operators
5. Primitive dataypes
6. Coding exercise - 1
7. Loops and conditionals
8. Coding exercise - 2
9. Reference Types in Java
10. Arrays and ArrayLists in Java
11. Coding exercise - 3
12. Methods in java programming
13. Coding exercise - 4
14. Final, Finally and Finalise in java
15. Object oriented programming in java
16. Inheritance, Encapsulation and Polymorphism
17. Coding exercise - 5
18. Collections in java programming
19. Coding exercise - 6
20. Generics in java
21. Introduction to Functional Programming in Java
22. Lambda expression basics
23. Coding exercise - 7
24. Introduction to threads
25. Exception Handling
26. Files and Directories
27. Coding exercise - 8
28. Mutable and Immutable
29. Interview Questions.
The class will be more of a practical sessio where I will be showning you lots of code examples and also I will be giving you coding exercises. You will also be allowed to code during the class based on my inputs which will be useful for you to solve the doubts that you have.