Course Title: Core Java Programming
Course Description: The Core Java Programming course is designed to provide a solid foundation in Java programming for individuals who are new to programming or wish to enhance their programming skills. This course covers the essential concepts, syntax, and features of the Java programming language, enabling students to build a strong understanding of Java's fundamentals. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on coding exercises, and projects, participants will gain the skills necessary to develop simple to moderately complex Java applications.
Course Duration: 3 weeks (Duration may vary based on the curriculum and pace of learning)
Course Outline:
Module 1: Introduction to Java
- Overview of Java's history and significance.
- Setting up the development environment: JDK installation, configuring IDEs.
- Writing, compiling, and running a basic Java program.
Module 2: Variables, Data Types, and Operators
- Understanding data types: primitives and references.
- Variables and their declaration, initialization, and scope.
- Arithmetic, relational, logical, and assignment operators.
- Type casting and conversion.
Module 3: Control Flow and Decision Making
- Conditional statements: if, else-if, else.
- Switch-case statements for multi-way branching.
- Looping constructs: for, while, do-while.
- Using break and continue statements effectively.
Module 4: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Fundamentals
- Introduction to object-oriented programming concepts.
- Creating classes and objects.
- Constructors, methods, and instance variables.
- Access modifiers: public, private, protected, default.
Module 5: Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Extending classes and creating subclasses.
- Method overriding and the super keyword.
- Abstract classes and methods.
- Polymorphism and dynamic method dispatch.
Module 6: Exception Handling
- Understanding exceptions and their types.
- try-catch blocks for handling exceptions.
- Throwing and propagating exceptions.
- Using the finally block for cleanup.
Module 7: Collections and Generics
- Introduction to the Java Collections Framework.
- Working with Lists, Sets, and Maps.
- Using generics for type safety.
Module 8: Input and Output (I/O) Streams
- Reading and writing data using I/O streams.
- Working with FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, BufferedReader, BufferedWriter.
- Handling character encoding.
Module 9: Java APIs and Libraries
- String manipulation and formatting.
- Working with dates and times using java.time.
- Introduction to regular expressions (java.util.regex).
Module 10: File Handling and Networking
- File handling operations: reading, writing, and manipulation.
- Introduction to basic networking concepts.
- Socket programming for creating client-server applications.
Module 11: Java Best Practices and Coding Standards
- Writing clean and maintainable code.
- Using meaningful variable and method names.
- Applying coding conventions and style guidelines.
Assessment and Grading:
- Regular coding exercises and quizzes to reinforce learning.
- Participation in hands-on labs and practical sessions.
- Completion of mini projects and assignments.
- Performance in the final project, demonstrating comprehensive Java skills.
Prerequisites: No prior programming experience is required, though familiarity with basic computer usage and logic concepts is beneficial.
Who Should Attend:
- Beginners interested in learning programming with Java.
- Students pursuing computer science or related fields.
- Professionals looking to enhance their programming skills with Java.
Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Write, compile, and run Java programs.
- Understand and implement core Java concepts like variables, loops, and conditionals.
- Design and create object-oriented Java applications.
- Handle exceptions and errors effectively in Java programs.
- Develop multithreaded applications using Java's threading capabilities.
- Build graphical user interfaces using Swing components.
- Apply Java's I/O capabilities for file handling and networking.
- Demonstrate proficiency in Java programming through practical projects.