There are many emotions. Positive emotions like joy, happiness, win enhance our energy while negative emotions viz. sadness, guilt, depression, grief, anxiety, embarassment deplete our energy. Negative emotions are mental concerns and if remain for longer time can disturb our daily life functions.
I cover this subject and include following topics in my class.
Thoughts, emotions, beliefs.
Emotional intelligence.
Self awareness
Emotional management or control
Social skills.
It is established fact that emotional balancing or emotional intelligence plays major role in our success. Many rationally intelligent persons fail in their life due to poor emotional intelligence. American psychologist has written best books on the subject.
While intelligence IQ is gifted to us at birth, emotional intelligence can be improved at any stage of life.
I conduct an easy test of questions and answers to know which area in emotional intelligence you are weak. You can focus on that area more.
In my class I first counsel to know his/her emotional status and then conduct test and then conduct video lectures including interactions.