This is for B.Tech first year students. It consists of 30 sessions. Syllabus for B.Tech first year would be covered. Classes will be taken by A.M. Ganesh, he is an M.Tech from IIT DELHI. He is a retired professor.
Introduction to Engineering Drawing: Principles of Graphics, conic sections- Rectangular hyperbola, cycloid, epicycloid, hypocycloid
Scales- plain, diagonal, orthographic projections: principles of orthographic projections conventions- projections of points
Projections of lines- projections of plane regular geometric figures
Projections of regular solids inclined to one plane, sections or sectional views of right regular solids- prism, cylinder, pyramid, cone, sphere
Isomeric projections- scales, views, conventions- isometric views of lines, planes, figures, simple solids- isometric projection of objects having non- isometric lines
Reference book: N.D. Bhatt
All sessions will be practical and will involve physical presence of student. Student will have to carry his instruments and charts.
Number of sessions will depend on student's ability to learn and practice. Minimum number of sessions will be 30