1.This class is for 9th class students who wants to learn and score good marks in Hindi Subject.
2.They have to bring there textbooks,pen,and other necessary things they need during the class.
3.Here we learn main syllabus of cbse and also focus on Grammar,we will discuss on the different aspects of grammar like vakya k prakar,upsarg,prathy,alankar,samas etc
4.We will also discuss about Hindi literature and poetry.
5.We will provide MCQ's,Short questions and Long questions according to their syllabus.
6.We also provide hand written notes of different topics of grammar as well as literature
7.short notes of lesson and poetry....so that they can easily understand the concept.
8.We will discuss on the different aspects of grammar.letter, paragraph writing
9.We will provide necessary information in the form of pdf .These grammar notes are very helpful for there exam to score good marks.
10.We discuss about different aspects of poetry and poet.explain poetry .