This class is for all tuise Aspirants who want to pursue higher studies abroad specifically in Ivy League colleges.
The tutelage covers all 4 modules of IELTS Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading. The toughest amongst all the four is the writing test which has analytical paragraph and overview passages included as Section 1 and 2.
Myth: Putting up an accent gets you good marks in Soeaking. No what the interviewer looks for is candidates having proper probunciation and confidently soeaking in English as if it is their native language. Your Spoken English, Choice of Vocibulary and primarily how comfotable you are in your skin strives towards good marking.
What to bring to class: As we will be doing both oblibe and offline modules of IELTS and listening test is there please be present with good Headphones. I will also help you decide which module of the test should you take offline or online.