### Course Curriculum
#### Hour 1: Introduction to Java
1.1 **Overview of Java**
- Introduction to Java programming language
- Brief history and evolution of Java
1.2 **Setting Up the Development Environment**
- Installing Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Setting up an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Eclipse or IntelliJ
1.3 **Hello World Program**
- Writing and running a simple Java program
- Understanding basic syntax
#### Hour 2: Java Basics - Part 1
2.1 **Data Types and Variables**
- Primitive data types (int, double, char, boolean)
- Declaring and initializing variables
2.2 **Operators**
- Arithmetic operators
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
2.3 **Control Flow Statements**
- If statements
- Switch statements
#### Hour 3: Java Basics - Part 2
3.1 **Loops**
- While loop
- For loop
- Enhanced for loop (for-each)
3.2 **Arrays**
- Declaring and initializing arrays
- Accessing array elements
- Array length and common operations
3.3 **Methods**
- Declaring and invoking methods
- Parameters and return types
#### Hour 4: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics
4.1 **Classes and Objects**
- Defining classes
- Creating and using objects
4.2 **Attributes and Methods in Classes**
- Adding attributes (fields) to classes
- Defining methods in classes
4.3 **Constructor and Encapsulation**
- Constructors in classes
- Encapsulation and access modifiers (public, private, protected)
#### Hour 5: Advanced Concepts and Best Practices
5.1 **Inheritance**
- Extending classes
- Overriding methods
5.2 **Polymorphism**
- Method overloading
- Method overriding
5.3 **Exception Handling**
- Try, catch, and finally blocks
- Throwing and handling exceptions
5.4 **Introduction to Java Standard Library**
- Overview of commonly used classes and libraries (e.g., java.util, java.io)