JavaScript is a versatile programming language for web and mobile apps, offering career opportunities and high salaries at companies like Walmart and Netflix.
This beginner-friendly course offers concise, practical training with 15 hours of sessions, 30 exercises, and JavaScript problem-solving skills.
Suitable for aspiring and experienced developers, no prior knowledge is needed.
Course content:
- Getting started:
- What is JavaScript?
- Development environment
- Runtime (Browser and node) - Basics:
- Variables
- Constants
- Primitives
- Dynamic Typing
- Objects
- Array
- Functions - Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignments, Comparison, Equality
- Ternary, Logical - Control flow
- if...else,
- for, while, do...while loops
- for-of, for-in loop
- infinite loops - Objects:
- Basics
- Factory functions
- Constructor
- Functions as the object
- Value vs Reference Types
- Enumerating Properties of an Object
- Cloning Object
- Garbage collection
- Math, Date, String, Template Strings - Array:
- Adding, Removing, Updating
- Array methods (find, map, filter, reduce, etc.)
- Combine, Spread, Sort
- Iterating an array - Functions:
- Declaration vs Expression
- Arguments
- Hoisting
- Rest operator
- Default args
- Getter Setter
- Scope
- let, var, const - the 'this' keyword