A Linux device administrator wears many hats and the smaller your environment, the extra hats you will wear. Linux administration covers backups, file restores, catastrophe recovery, new machine builds, hardware maintenance, automation, person maintenance, filesystem housekeeping, utility set up and configuration, gadget protection management, and storage management. System administration covers simply about each and every factor of hardware and software program administration for each bodily and digital systems.
Linux device administration additionally requires that you continue to be on pinnacle of first-class practices, analyze new software, preserve patches, examine and comply with safety notifications, and follow hardware updates. An SA's day is very full. In fact, you by no means genuinely finish, but you have to pick out a factor in time to abandon your activities.
Being a Linux machine administrator is a beneficial job. It consists of with it a brilliant deal of responsibility. It is on occasion unpleasant. It is from time to time truely fun. It's a job. Linux SAs come from a range of backgrounds. They are amongst IT's most innovative and fascinating human beings as well. System administration is not effortless nor is it for the thin-skinned. It's for these who choose to resolve complicated issues and enhance the computing journey for absolutely everyone on their network. It's a appropriate job and a precise career. Explore it.
Course content:
- What Is Linux
- Linux Features
- Linux Bash
- Set Environment Variable
- Linux Set Command
- Linux export Command
2. Linux Users
- Linux Create User
- Local su Commands
- Linux User Management
- User Password
- Local Groups
- Add User to Group
- Linux id Command
3. Linux Directories
- Linux Home Directory
- Linux pwd
- Linux cd
- Linux Absolute Relative
- Linux Path Completion
- Linux ls
- Linux mkdir
- Linux rmdir
- Rename Folder in Linux
4. Linux Commands
- Linux commands List
- Commands with Example
5. Linux Files
- Linux File Contents
- Open File in Linux
- Linux Edit File
- Linux which command
- Linux head
- Linux tail
- Linux cat
- Linux tac
- Linux more
- Linux less
- Linux strings command
- Linux Print
- Linux Process
- Kill Process Linux
- Linux terminating
- Linux kill
- Linux killall
- Linux pkill
- Linux xkill
- Nohup Command
- Linux at command
- Linux exit command
7. Linux File Hierarchy
- Linux File Hierarchy
- Binary Directories
- Configuration Directories
- Data Directories
- Memory Directories
- Usr Directory
- var Directory
- Non-standard directories
8. Linux Filters
- Linux Filters
- Linux cat
- Linux cut
- Linux grep
- Linux comm
- Linux sed
- Linux tee
- Linux tr
- Linux uniq
- Linux wc
- Linux od
- Linux sort
- Linux gzip
9. Linux I/O Redirection
- Linux I/O Redirection
- Linux Input Redirection
- Linux Output Redirection
- Linux Error Redirection
10. Linux Unix Tools
- Linux Unix Tools
- Linux Find
- Linux Locate
- Linux Date
- Linux Cal
- Linux Sleep
- Linux Time
- Linux zcat/zmore
- Linux bzip2 / bunzip2
- Linux bzcat / bzmore
- Linux df
11. File Security
- Linux File OwnerShip
- Linux chgrp Command
- Linux File Permission
- Linux chmod Command
- Linux chown command
- Linux Advance Permission
- Linux File Links
- Linux Inodes
- Linux Link Directories
- Linux Hard links
- Linux Soft links
- Linux Remove link
12. Linux System Admin
- Linux Admin Commands
- Linux uptime
- Linux service
- Linux pmap
- Linux wget command
- Linux ftp or sftp
- Linux free Command
- Linux top
- Linux last
- Linux ps
- Linux shutdown
- Linux info
- Linux env
- Linux du
- Linux init
- Linux Nano Editor
- Linux shred
- Linux mount
- Linux route
13. Linux Networking
- Linux ifconfig
- Linux ip
- Linux telnet Command
- SSH Linux
- Linux mail Command
- Linux traceroute
- Linux tracepath
- Linux ping
- Linux netstat
- Linux ss
- Linux dig
- Linux nslookup
- Linux route
- Linux host
- Linux arp
- Linux iwconfig
- Linux hostname
- Linux curl & wget
- Linux Curl Command
- Linux mtr
- Linux whois
- Linux ifplugstatus
- chkconfig command in Linux
- How to change user password in Linux
- Awk Command Usage
- How to unzip files in Linux