This course majorly focused to areas of Psychology including theories and approaches. The major concepts covered are Intelligence and Personality. Intelligence, basic ideas, Intelligence quotient, factors affecting intelligence, theories of intelligence, one factor theory, two factor theory, multi factor theory, Guilford structure of intelligence, emotional intelligence, culture and intelligence, individual difference and intelligence, intelligence assessment, intelligence tests, performance tests of intelligence etc.
Personality ateas including basics of personality, meaning and scope, personality approaches, trait approach, type approach, humanist approach, behavirist approach, assessment of personality are included. Projective techniques, ink blot tests are discussed briefly. The areas majorly focused to students at Senior secondary level following CBSE syllabus all over India. Psychology is an important option for such students. Surely this 10 hours course help them to get a clear idea on the above said concepts. Also given provision fof clearing doubts and attending tests.
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