Introduction to React.js:
- What is React.js?
- Understanding the React.js ecosystem and its benefits.
- Setting up a React.js development environment.
JSX (JavaScript XML):
- Introduction to JSX syntax.
- JSX expressions and attributes.
- Integrating JavaScript within JSX.
Components in React.js:
- Understanding React components.
- Creating functional and class components.
- Props and state in React components.
Component Lifecycle:
- Overview of component lifecycle methods.
- Understanding mounting, updating, and unmounting phases.
- Implementing lifecycle methods in React components.
State Management:
- Managing component state with useState and setState hooks.
- Stateful vs. stateless components.
- Best practices for state management in React applications.
Handling Events:
- Event handling in React.js.
- Binding event handlers.
- Event delegation and propagation.
Conditional Rendering:
- Using conditional statements in JSX.
- Implementing conditional rendering with if-else statements and ternary operators.
- Using logical && operator for conditional rendering.
Lists and Keys:
- Rendering lists of data in React components.
- Understanding the importance of keys in React lists.
- Using keys to optimize list rendering performance.
Forms and Controlled Components:
- Handling form input with controlled components.
- Managing form state with React's useState hook.
- Validating form input and handling form submission.
React Router:
- Introduction to React Router for navigation.
- Configuring routes in React applications.
- Implementing nested routes and route parameters.
- Overview of React hooks.
- Using useState, useEffect, useContext, and custom hooks.
- Managing side effects and stateful logic with useEffect hook.
Context API:
- Introduction to Context API for global state management.
- Creating and consuming contexts in React applications.
- Using context with useContext hook.
Working with APIs:
- Making HTTP requests in React applications.
- Using Fetch API or Axios for data fetching.
- Handling asynchronous operations with useEffect hook.
Building a React Application:
- Project-based learning to build a complete React application.
- Implementing CRUD operations, authentication, and routing.
- Deploying React applications to production.