"A short course for nutrition 101"
What all we aim to cover->
A quick overview of digestion -> all the parts-organs involved in the role of intake, processing, digestion and absoropion.
Understanding food : macros, mircros. vit and minerals and what role they play.
How they get metabolised - understand in simpler words how each macro affects system.
Debunking common myths around nutrition which would help make informed choices around food.
Food sources (plant based and animal based) for each type.
Balancing proportions around nutrition for general health.
importance of water
Role of supplementation - why it is needed, when it is needed, how to use them effectively.
Understanding cravings: and tactics to deal with them.
Impact of movement on daily life - how much we should do it, what form of fitness and why. Understand the role of execricse in nutrition paradigm.
A quick over view of Gut microbiome and foods overall impact on them and vice a versa.