The students will be attuned for the levels they have enrolled themselves for with online teaching and applying various techniques to succeed as a reiki practitioner and master. Till grandmaster attunements are given for those who seek the higher levels of attunements and how to go about as a successful practitioner
À model attunement session will be given with a model manual and a free how to do technique that will help the students to get confidence in the subject and teaching lineage
Those who have already learnt till any level can also be reattuned to the same level or as sought by the student for the next levels
Usui reiki grandmaster levels
Karuna reiki grandmaster levels
Tibetan reiki grandmaster levels
Money reiki grandmaster levels
Tarot cards reading course
Pendulum dowsing course full
Certification will be provided following a brief testing by answering a few questions and manual will be provided per level.