Holistic Health and Meaningful life
In my experience, I have seen many people are living without a goal and many following meaningless goals. Clarity of goal with holistic health gives meaning to life.
Holistic health focuses on three aspects:
1. Body
2. Mind
3. Soul
If we see the Maslows theory, people work for mainly five reasons:
1. Basic Need
2. Security and Safety needs
3. Belonging needs
4. Esteem needs
5. Self Actualization
Holistic health is significant. It gives clarity on the following aspects:
- What is the purpose of life and birth
- How to maintain physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
- How to understand the universal language
- Make congruency in action, thought and goal.
- It gives meaning to life.
- It makes work-life balance
- Improve good relationship with other
- Spread love and compassion.
- Lead a peaceful life
- what is a Higher purpose, and how to achieve it?
Developing holistic health can lead a happy and meaningful life to achieve the ultimate goal of life.