1. Introduction
1. Xcode
2. Playground
3. Writing first program
2. Variable, constants
1. Scope, semicolons
2. comments in code- individual and block
3. Basic Datatypes
1. Type safety and casting
2. String manipulation
4. Collection Types
1. Arrays
2. Dictionaries
5. Special variable types
1. AnyObject
2. AnyClass
3. Any
4. Tuples
5. Optionals
6. Operators
1. Assignment
2. Arithmetic
3. Compound Assignment
4. Comparison
5. Ternary Operator
6. Logical Operators
iOS - Swift
1. Introduction to iOS
1. Introduction to Xcode
2. iOS project directory structure
3. COCOA Framework
4. COCOA Touch Framework
5. iOS Application Life cycle
2. Views and Views Controller
1. View
2. View Controller
3. View Life cycle
4. Basic Controls - Labels, Button, TextField, TextViews, Slider,
Switch, Activity indicator etc.
3. Advanced Views and Controller
1. TableView Controller
2. Date Picker
Scroll View
4. Web View
5. Navigation Controller
6. TabBar Controller
4. DataBases
1. Directory structure of an application
2. User Defaults
3. Property List
4. SQLite database
5. Core Data
5. Web Services
1. Accessing remote data with web services
2. Parsing XML data
3. Parsing JSON data
6. Touches and Gestures
1. Handling the touch events on view
2. Adding Gestures to view
7. Multimedia
1. Playing an Audio file
2. Playing a Video file
8. Maps
1. Introduction to Map
2. Adding pin Annotations on map
3. Handling various map properties
9. Storyboard
1. Introduction to Storyboard
2. implementing Segues to navigate
3. Passing data from One view controller to another
10. Designing app using Autolayout
1. Introduction to constraints
2. Programmatically changing the UI
3. ScrollView with Autolayout
Using springs and struts model
11. Notifications
1. NSNotificationCenter
2. Local notifications
3. Remote notifications
12. Using Camera
1. Capturing image using camera
2. Getting the images from the Image Gallery
13. Using Device Sensors
1. Accelerometer
2. GPS
14. Mails and SMS
1. Sending mail from your application
2. Sending SMS from your application
15. Special controllers for iPad
1. SplitView Controller
2. PopOver Controller
16. Deployment
1. Creating apple developer account
2. Managing apple developer account
3. Publishing an app to the App store