Course has multiple parts
1. python for data science
2. machine learning
3. deep learning..
4. computer vision
5. natural langauge processing.
The course deals from basic python to advanced applications of python in data extraction,data visualization,data classification and with various libraries usage as like pandas,numpy,tensorflow etc..nextly we apply all the knowledge In to usage of machine learning algorithms and's dealt in depth also how ai is a part of machine learning and how one can build a machine learning model with the help of businesses statement and find logical way of finding a solution.later much more projects are built like cancer detection,image classifier,'s a completely a package of applied artificial intelligence course which helps one to get job in the domain of data analytics roles,machine learning engineer and deep learning etc and specailly we included nlp and computer vision for in-depth study purpose for helping students with advanced knowledge and come out as data scientist with flying colors..I assure this course will do wonders for you....