Python/Django Training Content
Duration: 2.5 months
1. Introduction to Python
- Python - The Universal Language
2. Getting Started
- Installing Python
- Python - *Hello World*
- Using the Interpreter
- Python - a better Python interpreter
3. Language Basics
- Types - Dynamic v/s Static Typing- t Strong v/s Weak Typing -
- Numbers
- Strings
- Unicode
- Complex types
- Operators - Operator Overloading
- Variables
- Scoping and Expressions
- Use of tabs and whitespaces as indent
- Conditionals - for...else -
4. Functions
- The general syntax
- Default values for arguments
- Returning and receiving multiple values
- Variable number of arguments- args, kwargs
- Scope revisited
5. Collections
- Primitive v/s Composite Types
- Lists
- Tuples
- Maps (or Dictionaries)
- Sets
- Enums
- Looping Techniques
6. Modularisation of code
- Global and Local namespace
- Introduction to modules
- Using modules
- Creating your own modules
- Working with a third-party library
7. Regular Expressions
- Matching v/s Searching
- Regular Expression Objects
- Match Objects
- Examples
8. Files and Directories
- Reading Files
- Writing Files
- Handling I/O Errors
- Higher level file operations
- File and Directory comparisons
9. Exception Handling
- Exception handling basics
- try...except
- Examples
10. Socket Programming
- Introduction to networking concepts
- Creating a socket
- Using a socket
- Disconnecting
- Non-blocking sockets
11. Object Oriented Programming Basics
- Introduction to OOPs
- Classes and Objects
- Instance methods and data
- Initialization of objects
- Inheritance
- Multiple and Multilevel Inheritance
- Method overriding
- Classes and Types
- Web development:
- Django: MVC,
- Database connectivity, deployment.
- Web Crawling: Beautiful Soup, Urllib2, using selenium as well.
- ORM: Defining of database tables using ORM, querying ORM, Joins in ORM, benefits and drawbacks.
- Linux: basic understanding of Linux, hands on experience on Ubuntu, installing Python and related softwares on Linux.