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Developing Skills With Awareness (Mindfullness)

Pankaj Kumar
19/07/2017 0 0

Skills are generally classified as soft skills and hard skills. Soft skills are social graces, communication abilities, language skills, personal habits, cognitive or emotional empathy, listening habits and leadership etc. and hard skills include the specific knowledge, qualification, degree, certification and abilities required to qualify in a job or profession. Hard skills are required to perform a specific job either technical, commercial or selling in one area of working. When we talk about to developing any kind of skill in general, one question remains still and that is, as a human being who is responsible for developing any kind of skill?

The answer is human mind.

Since our birth to death, morning till we go to bed, the time we spent in our life, we do so many acts in association with thoughts. The question is how long we remain aware about, what, why and how we are doing whatsoever we want to do. Since we woke up till we go to bed, are we aware of our actions? Are we aware of thoughts, our behaviour, our character etc?  When we do breakfast, lunch and dinner we eat so many thoughts along with our food. Generally, we don’t  do a single task at a time completely with our full energy without any prejudice or condition. This unawareness, unconsciousness and insensitivity during our lifetime reduce or slow down not only the capacity of our mind but the body also gives stress anxiety or tension. The mind chatters all the time and the energy devoted to that purpose fills a major part of our life. It’s a waste of our energy. Our thoughts are continuously repeating like a fixed cycle and thoughts take away from awareness or consciousness. Now the question is where these thoughts come from? Which makes us unaware. As we grow we learn, we experience, we memorise and these thoughts are generated from our past experience and memory and keep on repeating in our mind. It makes our mind dull, slow and reduces its efficiency. For example, when we are angry we lose our consciousness we lose our awareness and behave unconsciously.

It is important to have a fearless mind, Cool/calm mind, unconditioned mind, healthy mind. To achieve this or to develop any kind of skill, the most important thing is the awareness. Awareness about what you do, awareness about once thought process and those entire things which one does to achieve any kind of skill. Awareness(host) means as a human being we keep on watching ourselves consciously which includes our thoughts, our actions, and our emotions consciously as a witness.

In awareness there is no becoming, there is no end to be gained. There is silent observation as a witness without choice and condemnation, from which there comes understanding. Life exists in this moment and due to this unconsciousness either we think about whatever had happened in past or we worry about future and failed to develop any skill. To develop any skill or to get success we must be present, mind full, fully conscious.

 Ego is the biggest hurdle in learning any skill. At the stage of egolessness, we are very eager to learn, we are open to accepting new ideas, we do not resist for any external or internal change. Ego also disappears as we get more and more aware of it or know about it.

Awareness is watchfulness. When you start consistently watching your thoughts, words, actions, habits, the character then defiantly transformation will take place and you will become more and more aware. One side awareness reduces anger, ego, impatient, fear, stress and another side it improves curiosity, memory, confidence, efficiency and learning ability.

At last Learning of any skill is just like as paddling of your cycle. The moment you keep on paddling it or you keep on giving energy, it keeps moving, the moment you stop it stops. So any theory or practical knowledge can just show you the path but ultimately you have to walk yourself on this path of learning or developing any kind of skill. It is not a matter of a day, week or year it’s a matter of how aware you are of you, your action, your thoughts, your skills and roadmap to success. So believe in yourself, keep paddling your cycle which is your skills then definitely you can reach to the highest mountains of success.

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