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Spoken English Basics - Practice - What was?

Sridevi D.
17/06/2020 0 0

What was?

Practice saying the sentences below out loud to get a feel for how to use “What was?” when asking a question.


1. What was he saying? 2. What was the time? 3. What was she cooking? 4. What was the problem? 5. What was the topic? 6. What was the answer? 7. What was he writing? 8. What was the result? 9. What was he doing? 10. What was she eating? 


1. He was saying a prayer. 2. The time was 9 o’clock. 3. She was cooking vegetables. 4. The problem was with his car engine. 5. The topic was health and fitness. 6. The answer was “yes.” 7. He was writing a song. 8. The result was that England won. 9. He was cleaning his house. 10. She was eating rice and curry.

Practice saying the sentences below out loud to get a feel for how to use “What was?” to respond to a cue or statement.


1. He was talking. 2. She was cooking. 3. He was eating. 4. She was writing. 5. He was reading. 6. She was singing. 7. She was watching. 8. She was painting. 9. She was cleaning. 10. She was washing.


1. What was he talking about? 2. What was she cooking? 3. What was he eating? 4. What was she writing? 5. What was he reading? 6. What was she singing? 7. What was she watching? 8. What was she painting? 9. What was she cleaning? 10. What was she washing?

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