This is for a series of guitar lessons that covers all of the basic tenants of learning the guitar in order with proper sequencing, topical buildout and making a good guitarest . this course covers a 12 week period in which guitar anatomy, chords, scales, intervals, soloing technique and learning bar chrods and different types of strumming patterns and much more learning bollywood song , pop songs and guitar basic plucking patterns . And this course is help to become better guitarest. you know what in this course you learn how to tune yoour guitar and to how to hold pick . How to use 1 srumming patterns and you sing 12 song in one basic strumming patterns . you can learn how to identifying notes in guitar. and this course how to play single notes and moving to different strings . You learning strings name and learning basic open chrods like D major and minor chords and you can learn hard chrods like F major and etc.