Embedded system basically is a computer system that is designed to pull off a few or one specific function, more often than not in real-time computing constraints.
Many types of electronic projects can be constructed easily with the PIC family of microprocessors, as clocks, very simple video games, robots, and many more. It is code efficient and based on RISC. The PIC is a very general purpose microcontroller with ADC, counter, Built in oscillator with selectable speeds Wide range of interfaces including SPI, USB, USART, A/D, programmable comparators,
Software Programs- C/C++
Python programming- GUI development using Tkinter, introduction to Pyot, widgets, SQL
JAVA- Generic and Lambda Expressions, AWT, Applet and graphical User Interface, Swing and JDBC, Stream API
J2EE- HTML, CSS, Java Script, JSP, Servlet, SQL and SQL constraints, JDBC, SEO and webhosting.
Android Using Android Studio-
Asp.NET- HTML, CSS, Java Script, Web forms and Controls, SQL constraints, ADO.Net Data Providers, SEO and webhosting.
MVC-MVC5, CRUD Operation in MVC5, Data Annotation, Framework Database, LINQ with ASP.net, Bootstrap.
PHP, PHP Framework- Code igniter, General Style and Syntax, Encryption, and file uploading, SQL
Software Testing- Fundamentals, Documentation, UFT, UFT/QTP, HP Unified Functional Testing 12.0, Selenium IDE