In this rapidly moving competitive era, we see that the vast majority of the population are completely involved with their full-time work and not able to balance their personal life. Due to circumstances and lack of time, people barely concentrate on their well-being related matter. Today, with the absence of physical exercise and legitimate rest, some are suffering from stress (a psychiatric ailment), physical sickness and numerous more in life.
On the other hand, some people are so distressed with the fat in their body. Simply, obesity is one of the most exasperating things for anyone. For such situation, Yoga is a powerful tool to help disposes of your undesirable fats and ailment from your body. There are several yoga types that can certainly help you accomplish your weight loss vision such as
- Dhanurasana
- Surya Namaskar
- Kapalbhati
- Bhujangasana
- Pavan Muktasana
- Sarvangasana
Here are some of the reasons why yoga is a powerful exercise for weight loss.
Yoga Increases Inner Peace of Mind
Somewhere down the line, we all will accept that the main reason behind the obesity is nothing but the mental illness or stress. In this case, yoga is the most powerful tool for weight loss because it possesses the healing power of your stress. It creates a certain atmosphere where you easily gain positive energy or vibes which transform you and your action to liberating. Simply, yoga comforts the emotional, mental, physical and intellectual quantity. Among all, Sudarshan Kriya is an effective meditation for anti-anxiety or anti-depression. It also benefits the spirituality as it increases an inner peace of mind.
Yoga Heals Stomach or Digestive Disorder
It’s true that healthy food is very much essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, due to circumstances and lack of time people tend to consume a lot of junk food which often leads to a stomach problem. And when you have a stomach problem or suffering from a digestive disorder, you customarily don’t lose weight instead of gain tremendously. In this case, the Kapalbhati and Anulom-vilom yoga will faithfully improve your respiratory, reproductive and digestive system and much more in your body.
Yoga Creates a Mode of Happiness
Stress-free is crucial to maintain your weight or figure because when you have stress, it’s difficult to think through. Regular practice of yoga helps you discover your peace of mind. Among all, Patanjali's yoga sutra is one of the finest tools to increase personal health, strength and tractability. It will remind you to be stress-free and help understand the mode of happiness.
Yoga Cleanse your Body/Organs
Another reason behind your fatness could be toxicity and organ disorder. In this case, regular practice of Ashtanga Yoga is beneficial as it contains multiple forms of breathing, concentration, posture and many more that helps purification of the muscles and organs of the body and Sudarshan Kriya’s pranayama form is suitable as it eradicates contaminant from your body.
Yoga is a Healer/ Restores Health
Yoga is a viable apparatus to keep up your fitness as its manifold procedure has the ability to restores health. It reinforces body muscles and enhances the adaptability of your body. In this case, Hatha yoga helps understand the structure of your body for greater possibilities.