1) Breathing exercises-
a) Kapal Bhatti 20 times
b) Omkar 10 × 1
Full body Loosening and Warm-Up from Neck to Legs.
Naukachalan and Chakkichalan both ten times front and reverse
Surya Namaskars × 6
2) Seated Postures -
a) Vajrasana - 10 counts × 2
b) Ardhapadmasana - 10 counts × 2
3) On the Back Postures -
a) Pawanmuktasana - 10 counts × 2
b) Setu Bandasana - 10 × 2
4) On the Stomach Postures-
a) Naukasana - 10 counts × 2
b) Dhanurasana - 10 counts × 2
5) Standing Postures-
a) Triyak Tadasana - 10 × 2
b) Utkatasana - 10 × 2
Shavasana 10 mins