Javascript Programming Language course starts with fundamentals of programming, understanding object-oriented programming ( OOPs) with Javascript and learning the new features in ES6/ES7. After learning javascript syntax and the basics of programming like conditions, iterations, methods, classes & objects, we move on to the more advanced features like DOM Manipulation and Ajax.
Around halfway through the course, students are taught to solve plenty of competitive programming problems, along with setting up some complex javascript + ajax behavior commonly found on large scale web applications. Some of the functionalities like dynamic select, filter, sort and autocomplete search functionalities is taught.
The course is project based. The entire class will build one application together to ensure complete understanding of the language and its functionalities. In addition, students will also build their own individual application for which necessary support will be provided.
The course concludes with one being taught to host their own web applications on a server and version their code online. These are basics requirements to work as a front-end developer in any organization. So all in all its a course with no loose ends for someone who wants to learn the javascript programming language.
- Learn to develop front ends of websites with Javascript.
- Learn Object Oriented Programming in Javascript.
- Ensure that the websites you build are dynamic, sustainable, cost-effective, and high on quality and maintainability.
- Learn how applications are built from scratch. You will get to know how an idea written on paper can be turned into an application used by people.