In this course, Docker and Kubernetes are taught in this course and each of those are learnt from scratch. This course is to someone who wants to automate around cloud native ecosystem and bring in some automation some of which includes sending logs to elastic search and fluent bit, Capturing the metrics using Prometheus and InfluxDb, Using Helm Charts to deploy kubernetes objects in multiple environments, Creating CI-CD framework by integrating Jenkins with Kubernetes and Helm. We will also be seeing multiple cloud providers and we will be spinning up our Kubernetes clusters in AWS using kubeadm and kops, we use GKE, we touch upon using EKS and AKS. Also will be seeing setups like Kind, Minikube., etc
The intended learners will be capable of working in a production environment to handle container workloads and also to appear for the below certifications.
1) Docker certified associate
2) Certified Kubernetes Application Developer
3) Certified Kubernetes Administrator
The fee can be paid in 3 installements. The price is a bit on the higher side as most of the classes are taught in a small batch of 2 students.