While we learn using Blender, we may get many guidelines and step by step instructions to achieve our result. The instructions may sound like," Press Diffuse button and set the strength to 0.8, click on button x, select x mode, go to the panel surface and set surface to Background ...".
While we followed these instructions and got some result, we need to review the steps that we followed in this process and understand which step leads to what and play with those controls to gain familiarity. All these instruction fall under the "HOW" part of the learning process.
Moving on to the "WHY" part, we need to know why you do something to apply this learning in our next project. These thoughts may sound like high funda to a beginner, but it has its value, and we would realize it as we make progress.
One gem of an idea for an individual aspiring to learn Blender and gain expertise is the concept of "Learning to Learn". While you want to learn something, how do you learn? What is your learning process? Suggested steps for learning maybe something like the one listed below:
- Get to know something. Example: Render Engine - Cycles
- Trying to know what Render Engine is and what Cycle render is.
- Checking in the web, reading up some books, looking up some tutorials and videos.
- Getting to know different types of Render Engines in Blender. What are their functionality and applications? Which one is used for what purpose?
- Discussing with your friends.
- Identifying the settings and controls to set Render Engine to Cycles and rendering.
It all boils down to having a child-like curiosity to discover, learn and have fun all along. Whenever you feel tired, take a break.
Learning Blender should not be made into a back-breaking, tedious activity.