Goal 1: Get your business online. Demand: High. Investment: None-Medium-High
Objectives: a) Choose your product/service you wish to sell through your business. (What's your niche?)
b) Brand your business with an exclusive logo. Setup your Brand profiles in Social Media.
c) Buy a domain name that suits your business name, a reliable web hosting for your website.
d) Create a website. Start Blogging. (Prioritise Content creation after initial setup) Share some excerpts through social media linking back the entire article back at your website.
e) Start optimising the website for Onsite SEO and Technical SEO. Optimise Content copy with the keyword as per required keyword density and focus on internal linking. Connect Website with your social media profiles. (Helps search engines identify with a particular brand )
f) Setup Google Search Console to help rank your page in search engines (Additionally add Bingbot or AOL, Yandex as per requirement) and Google analytics to help track audience visits to your website.
g) Start link building through offsite SEO activities. Check competitors link-building tactics and focus on building high-quality DA(domain-authority) links. (This helps improve ranking in search engines)
Goal 2: Provide professional digital marketing services. Demand: High. Investment: None-Medium
Objectives: a) SEO Site Analyst: Analyse Client's Website and Generate SEO Report.
b) Become a brand manager. Handle Social Media Accounts and manage daily activities. (Social Media Posts and Campaigns as planned within content calendar)
c) Become SEO manager. Handle websites onsite and offsite SEO activities.
d) Campaign Manager: Handle Pay-Per-Click campaigns in social media or Google AdWords and help in targeting and retargeting customers to your site.
e) Freelancing: Freelancing as an SEO Expert to provide SEO services as a customised solution to a business requirement.
Note: Roles and responsibilities do change from time to time as they don't happen to be consistent.
Goal 3: Become Digital Marketing Trainer. Demand: High. Investment: None-Medium
Objectives: Learn complete Digital Marketing and Train others to be Digital marketing professionals